Red Carpet interview at the Boston Film Festival - Director Glenn Camhi

Red Carpet interview at the Boston Film Festival - Director Glenn Camhi

Red carpet with writer/director Glenn Camhi, Chris (Captain America) Evans, fest organizers Robin Dawson & Nancy Eckersley, and STRANGLEHOLD director Myles Jewell

Walking onto the Red Carpet @ Boston Film Festival - writer/director Glenn Camhi, actor Chris Evans, and festival organizers

After winning Best Short Comedy @ the Boston Film Festival, with writer/director Glenn Camhi and festival organizers Robin Dawson & Nancy Eckersley

Enthusiastically winning the Best American Short Film Award! At the 27th Ft. Lauderdale Int'l. Film Festival (writer/director/co-producer Glenn Camhi)

Winning the Best Director (Short) Award @ AOF Int'l Film Festival 2012

Manhattan Film Festival with lead actress Tyler McClain and writer/director Glenn Camhi

Best Comedy Short winner! At the Manhattan Film Festival (writer/director Glenn Camhi)

Awards Gala - after winning Best Director / Short Award @ AOF Int'l Film Festival - writer/director Glenn Camhi with Festival Director Del Weston

Red carpet @ AOF Int'l Film Festival - cinematographer Stephan Dalyai and writer/director Glenn Camhi

Stephen Kearin winning Best Actor to tremendous crowd enthusiasm!

Four Awards! Stephen Kearin and Glenn Camhi and all our Golden Coyote Paws at the wonderful Idyllwild CinemaFest! In his speech Stephen asked what they did with the rest of the coyote.

Award winners at Manhattan Film Festival (The Bunglers writer/director Glenn Camhi, front row left, with a group of crazy-talented filmmakers)

Another red carpet interview at the Boston Film Festival (writer/director Glenn Camhi)

The Bunglers nominated for Best Short Comedy @ the Central Florida Film Festival

Action On Film International Film Festival (writer/director Glenn Camhi)

Glenn Camhi accepting the Best Director (Short) Award @ AOF Int'l Film Festival

Actor Brian Lohmann (Joe Danzer) pointing at himself on the official festival poster

Filmmakers at the Boston Film Festival - writer/director Glenn Camhi with Sylvia Carminer & Melanie Lentz-Janney, makers of the fun, touching award-winning documentary, An Affair of the Heart

Red Carpet Casual - with actor Brian Lohmann, writer/director Glenn Camhi, cinematographer Stephan Dalyai, and actor Floyd VanBuskirk

The Bunglers playing at a great movie theater at the Ft. Lauderdale Int'l Film Festival